My journey is personal, but my work is for everyone.


Lower Brule Sioux Tribe

Human services major, Sinte Gleska University

Student Ambassador - Amanda


Lower Brule Sioux Tribe

Human services major, Sinte Gleska University

Amanda has always worked hard and done her best to support her children, but because she was told she would never amount to anything, she didn’t have the confidence to pursue a college education. Then she was hired at her local tribal college, and she realized she was smarter, stronger, and far more capable than she could have ever imagined.  Fueled by both her determination to prove people wrong AND be a strong role model for her own children and the children in her community, Amanda enrolled in college and completed her bachelor’s degree, charting a different path for her future – all while working full-time and as a single mom of six kids.   

One of her greatest challenges in her journey has been to silence the negative voices in her head and replace them with positivity, confidence, and trust in herself, especially during and following the pandemic.  Amanda committed herself to healing and helping others in her community heal as well – and is a huge advocate for using all available resources to look inward to find the best version of yourself and to find contentment and happiness.  

It is Amanda’s strongest belief that through healing, we can eradicate the addiction, suicide and mental health issues in Native communities.  “Healing is possible, it’s not fun, it’s not pretty, but it’s possible,” says Amanda, “and by healing yourself, you are essentially healing everyone who comes after you, especially your children, your future grandchildren, and so on and so forth … I would love for my legacy to be healed, and that’s what I’m currently doing.” 


Selena - Student Ambassador

Meet Selena

Meet Sky

Student Ambassador - Amanda

Meet Amanda

Meet Sam