
(Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe)

Jerald’s passion for walking with people on their road to recovery stems from a place of deep understanding, as he himself has overcome mental health struggles and alcoholism. There were so many moments where life’s challenges felt insurmountable, but he made it through because of an inner drive to break cycles of trauma and the strength he carries from his Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate.

Today, as a father of nine children, protecting their futures and the future of his people is more important than ever. Despite so many obligations to balance, Jerald manages to care for his family, offer guidance as a counselor, and pursue a master’s degree at the same time. Jerald’s wife shares his passion, as a counselor herself, and they hope to one day open a clinic where they can focus on breaking the cycles of trauma one youth at a time. No part of his journey has been easy, but Jerald takes each day as an opportunity to help someone else overcome the barriers he once did.